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School News | Friday 20th September 2019

Bishop John will be making a visitation of our three churches this weekend (21st/22nd September).  He will celebrate Mass at St John’s on Sunday at 10.45am, it would be lovely if as many families as possible attend.

Class 2 Assembly

Class 2 present their assembly on Friday 27th September 10-10.30am, family and friends are very welcome to join us.

PTFA meeting Monday 23rdSeptember 

Please join us in school at 3.15pm for our PTFA meeting.  All parents and carers are welcome to attend and any children of those attending can go to after school club free of charge for the duration of the meeting (until 4pm).

Mental Health training for staff

Next week all members of staff are taking part in introductory mental health training.  This is to strengthen the provision we can offer to our pupils and will continue next term and after Easter.  Please ask if you would like more information.

School Improvement Priorities – Reading

We are very pleased with our KS2 SATs results this year as attainment in Reading, Writing and Maths is broadly in-line with attainment nationally and attainment in Reading, Writing and Maths combined was 6% higher than nationally.  

We would however, like to increase our progress rates to ensure that pupils make as much progress as possible from EYFS to the end of KS2 whilst at St John’s.  

This year, progress rates in Reading are lower than that in Writing and Maths so we are making it one of our School Improvement Priorities this year.  

Please read with your child as much as possible at home in order to support them.

Bank holiday

Please note the following amendment to our published holiday dates due to the change to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day.:

Early May Bank Holiday changed from Monday 4th, to Friday 8th May 2019.

Diary dates 

Photographer in school: Tuesday 15th October

Half-term: Mon 21st– Friday 25th October

Parents’ Evening: Wednesday 6th November

Infants Nativity: Tuesday 17th – 10am & 1pm

Juniors Christmas Songs: Wednesday 18th – 9.30 & 10.30am

Mass times

Please be reminded of the new Sunday Mass schedule for our church:

Saturday – Vigil Mass 6pm

Sunday – 10.45am

Primary and Secondary places Sept 2019

Visit www.lancashire.gov.uk/schools and apply on-line. The closing date for secondary places is 31st October 2019 and 15th January 2020 for primary places.  Contact Mrs Mayor if you would like help.

Weekly Winners

Class Winners:

C1 – the whole class!
C2 – Logan Knight
C3 – Lexi Dickson-Carter
C4 – Lucas Horgan
C5 – Dinio Wilson
C6 – Caria Alvarez-Horsfall
C7 – Lewis McRandle
C8 – Natasza Wozniak
C9 – Farah Ahmed-Latif

Writers of the Week:

C1 – Keegan Tibbs
C2 – Benjamin Walker
C3 – Danielle Cavanagh
C4 – Aston Guy
C5 – Alfie Marlborough
C6 – Katie Marlborough
C7 – Olivia Lim
C8 – Gene Parreno
C9 – Ayaan Khan

Headteacher Card – C1 Hakeem Khan

Healthy Eater of the Week – Caiden Jefferson

Golden Boot Award – C3 & C5

Best Attendance – C1

House of the Week – St George