School News | Friday 22nd November 2019
Diary Dates
Christmas Fayre: Tues 10th Dec 3-4pm, school hall
Junior Concert: Wed 18th Dec 9.15am, 10.30am
Infant Nativity: Tues 17th Dec 10am, 2pm
Advent Service: Thurs 19th Dec 9.45am (church)
Reading at Home
This week we are sending home a booklet with information about supporting your reading at home. This is something many of you ask us about.
Please look through it and let us know if you find it useful. Improving progress in Reading is one of our school priorities this year, we do hope you will support us in this.
If you would like more information, please contact your child’s teacher.
CAFOD – Live Simply
On Monday, Mrs Boutell invited all children to enter a poster competition to publicise CAFOD’s ‘Live Simply’ campaign.
She shared the aims of encouraging communities to live: simply; in solidarity with people in poverty and sustainably with creation.
This is being discussed in each class, please ask your children about it and encourage them to enter.
Snow Closure
Please be reminded of procedures:
We will notify you as soon as possible via text if school is closed so please make sure we have current mobile numbers.
Announcements will be made on Capital Radio and Radio Lancashire and on their websites.
PTFA Christmas Fayre
Please join us in school on Tuesday 10th December 3-4pm for our PTFA Christmas Fayre. Stalls will sell Christmas goodies, festive refreshments will be on sale, the choir will perform and Father Christmas will be visiting! More details to follow.
Sporting Events
Next week Yr 5&6 pupils will compete in a dodgeball event at BTRCC Spirit of Sport. On Thurs our successful football team will compete in the finals at Burnley College. Good luck to all our players and thank you to Mrs Stannard, Mr Geoghegan and Mr Brown for organisation.
Many thanks!
Thank you to everyone who helped with recent charity events. In total, for CAFOD and Comic Relief you have helped us to raise over £300! Thank you to everyone and thank you especially to Mrs Halliwell and her team in the kitchen who made 300 biscuits at extremely short notice!!
Class 9 Assembly
Please join us in school on Friday 29th November, 10am for Class 9’s Assembly.
Governors’ Meeting
Governors meet next week in school, Tuesday 26th November, 5pm.
Fr David
Fr David joins us to spend the afternoon in school on Monday 25th November.
Weekly Winners
Class Winners:
C1 – Arturs Balodis
C2 – Maggie McGreavy
C3 – Emily Helps
C4 – Mustafa Ishtiaq
C5 – Archie Bennett
C6 – All the Class
C7 – Chloe Maughan
C8 – Marco Mochizuki
C9 – Martyna Choczaj
Writers of the Week:
C1 – Ava Simpson
C2 – Chiara Emmerson
C3 – Zachary Ellis
C4 – Libbie Moore
C5 – Jennifer Dodds
C6 – Congratulations!
C7 – Amelia Mansworth
C8 – Sandra Bajek
C9 – Junior Mclean
Headteacher Card – Leo Burton
Healthy Eater of the Week – Estaban Guardado Fernandez
Golden Boot Award – C1 & C4
Best Attendance – C6
House of the Week – St Andrew