School News | Friday 29th November 2019
Advent at St John’s
This year we are aiming in school to make Advent much more of a season in its own right, rather than simply a countdown to Christmas. For the first time, we will have Advent Reconciliation for juniors led by Fr David.
In the Entrance Hall, as well as the usual Christmas tree, we will also have a Jesse Tree. This will be the focus for whole-school Advent Worship each morning.
Please do ask children to share their learning.
Diary Dates – December
Christmas Fayre: Tues 10th 3-4pm, school hall
Junior Concert: Wed 18th 9.15am and 10.30am
Infant Nativity: Tues 17th 10am and 2pm
Advent Service: Thurs 19th 9.45am (church)
PTFA Christmas Fayre
Please join us in school for the Fayre on Tuesday 10th December, 3-4pm.
Christmas Cups
For the first time, we will have a stall selling Christmas Cups which we are hoping you can help us with.
If you would like to take part, please collect a plastic cup from the office. Please then fill it and perhaps decorate it, before returning to the office.
The filled cups will be sold at the Fayre for £1.50 each.
Ideas for fillings could include:
- individually wrapped chocolates or sweet
- hair accessories
- small toys
- stationery items – pens/pencils/felt-tips
- crafts or stickers
- small soft toys
We look forward to seeing your originality and creativity!
We will also have the usual Choco Lotto. Please bring an item of chocolate for the lotto into school on Friday 6th December, in exchange for watching a Christmas film.
Finally, if you have any unwanted new or in good condition soft toys, please consider donating these for the Christmas Teddy Tombola.
Thank you in advance for all your support, we look forward to seeing you on the 10th December.
Author Visit
As part of our enrichment programme, historical author Stacey Halls will be visiting school on Monday. We look forward to meeting her.
CAFOD – Live Simply
Next Friday, Mrs Boutell will announce the winners of the Live Simply poster competition. It’s not too late to enter if you haven’t already.
Snow Closure
We will notify you as soon as possible via text if school closes – make sure we have current mobile numbers. Announcements will be made on Capital Radio & Radio Lancashire and on their websites.
Indoor Athletic
Our indoor athletics team take part in the finals next week on Tuesday after school at Sir John Thursby. We are proud of how far they have got so far and wish them lots of luck!
Fr David will be in school on Tuesday 3rd to lead an Advent Reconciliation Service for our junior pupils.
Class 4 Assembly
Please join us in school on Friday 6th December at 10am for Class 4’s Assembly.
Science Club
Science Club at Blessed Trinity RCC continues on Tuesdays for those attending.
Explore Learning
Staff from Explore Learning will be in school on Thursday 5th December. They will work with Class 8 in the morning and Class 9 in the afternoon.
Assessment Week
Class teachers will assess all pupils next week. Results will be shared with parents/carers before the end of term.
Weekly Winners
Class Winners:
C1 – Larissa Wilson
C2 – Melody McGibbon
C3 – Elijah Bullen
C4 – Joshua Hewitt
C5 – Terence Maughan
C6 – Oliver Chapman
C7 – Abbie Taylor
C8 – the whole class!
C9 – Farah Ahmed-Latif
Writers of the Week:
C1 – Bailey O’Brien
C2 – Brandon Roberts
C3 – Ethan Lampitco
C4 – David Brotherton
C5 – Charlie Durkin
C6 – Jazmine Pascual
C7 – Harley Pennington
C8 – Aaliyah Alam
C9 – Oliver Brown
Headteacher Card – Finlay Lacy C7
Healthy Eater of the Week – Dylan Mcrandle
Golden Boot Award – C3 & C5
Best Attendance – C3
House of the Week – St George