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School News | Friday 4th September 2020

Welcome back!

It has been so lovely to welcome everyone back to school this week.  It has been a long time since we have been able to be together as a school family – long may it continue.  We hope that all children have enjoyed their first few days back at school and are beginning to settle into their new classes.  

Reading Challenge

Today we have launched our Reading Challenge, initially for KS2 children.  Everyone is invited to read and review as many books as they can whilst they are at St John’s.  

Anyone who reads and reviews 15 books will achieve a Bronze Award (badge and certificate); Silver Award – 30 books; Gold Award – 100 books; Platinum Award 200 books).  

We look forward to reading lots of reviews.  Please encourage your child to take part – more details to follow.

Online Newsletter 

From next week, this newsletter will only be published online each week and not sent home.  When Covid-19 restrictions are eased, we will place a number of paper copies in the Entrance Foyer which you will be able to collect.

Welcome Letter 

Today your child will bring home a letter from their class teacher with lots of information about their new class. I hope you find them useful.  

Please contact the office if you would like to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher, or with me, to discuss anything.


During lockdown, Home Learning was accessed via our website.  As we received positive feedback about this, we have decided to change our arrangements for homework.  

From next week, homework will be on our website and not sent home in a paper format.  There will be a tab on the homepage labelled ‘Homework’.   

Each week there will be spellings to work on and a times-tables task.

Staggered timings

Please see the separate letter going home today with details of changes to our starting and finishing times.

Interim Reports

Next Friday your child will bring home an Interim Report from their new class teacher.  Please look out for them.

Curriculum Grids

Next week we will publish this year’s Curriculum Grids on our website.  These give details of the topics your child will learn about. Please see tab labelled ‘Curriculum’ on our homepage.


Due to current Covid-19 restrictions, we are unable to host Drop-in sessions this term.  If you would like to speak to your child’s teacher, please ring the office to make an appointment.  

Term dates

Please be reminded of our term dates:

Half-term: Mon 26th – Fri 30th October

End of term: Fri 18th December

Spring term: Tues 5th January

Contact Us

Tel: 01282 438120



twitter: @BurnleySJB