School News | Friday 6th December 2019
Advent message from Fr David
‘Advent is a time of spiritual preparation: when society is telling us to get busy, the Church tells us instead to slow down. It’s also a time to think and reflect upon the enormity of what we are celebrating at the Feast of the Incarnation: the coming of God among us.’
PTFA Christmas Fayre
Please join us in school next Tuesday (10th) 3-4pm. Stalls will include Choco Lotto, raffle, Christmas games, Christmas crafts, food and drinks. Our choir will be performing and there will be a special guest visiting!
Sacramental Programme Meeting
Year 3 families are invitied to a meeting with Father David on Tuesday 14th January at 7pm in the parish rooms. Please do attend if your child is baptised and you wish them to join the Sacramental Programme this year.
Choir Performance
Our Choir will visit Dove Court Nursing Home on Monday 9th December to entertain the residents. Many thanks to Miss Pitman (Music Leader) and Mrs Hogg for running our choir.
Congratulations to our Year 5/6 football team who will go on to represent Burnley in the next stage of the competition at Fleetwood Poolfoot Farm in January. We are very proud of them!
Our annual whole-school trip to the pantomime takes place on Tuesday 10th December. We will visit King George’s Hall, Blackburn to see Cinderella. We will return to school for a late lunch at around 1pm. See separate letter home.
Congratulations also to our Year 5/6 athletics team who won the Burnley athletics competition this week! They will represent Burnley in March at the county finals.
Thanks go to Mr Geoghegan, Mr Brown and Mrs Stannard – what a team!
Follow us on our new Twitter account @BurnleySJB – see all the amazing things going on in school.
St John’s RC Primary, A Voluntary Academy
We’re delighted that from 1st December we are part of the Romero Catholic trust – see separate letter home.
End of Term
Please remember that the Autumn Term ends on Friday 20th December at 1.30pm.
Polling Station
Class 7 will be used as a Polling Station on Thursday 12th December. As usual, school will remain open.
Enrichment event – PDSA
Staff from People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals will present a whole school assembly and workshops on Wednesday 11th December.
Weekly Winners
Class Winners:
C1 – Haider Zaman
C2 – Grace Hayton
C3 – Luca Jay Brown
C4 – Freddie Pearson
C5 – Alfie Buchanan
C6 – Caria Alvarez-Horsfall
C7 – Ella-Mae Picton
C8 – Dylan Mcrandle
C9 – Oliver Brown
Writers of the Week:
C1 – Aaryaan Khan
C2 – Reece Halstead
C3 – Patrick Bajek
C4 – Nico Wilson
C5 – Caleb Broderick
C6 – Katie Marlborough
C7 – Angel Dickson Carter
C8 – Amelia Broderick
C9 – Nicole Borg
Headteacher Card – Ruby Kay
Healthy Eater of the Week – Archie Bennett
Golden Boot Award – C1, C7 & C9
Best Attendance – C9
House of the Week – St George