School News | Friday 9th October 2020
Contact details
Please make sure you have returned the data collection sheet for your child. It is vital that we have up to date phone numbers.
Reading Challenge
Well done Ethan Lampitco, C4 and Chiara Emmerson, C3 for achieving Bronze Awards! Congratulations!
We are collecting donations for Safenet womens’ refuge and the Burnley foodbank again this year.
As we are limiting things coming into school, there will be a shopping trolly by the front gate. If you would like to donate a tin or packet of food or an item of toiletries, please put it in one of the bags in the trolly.
National Libraries Week Competition
Well done to everyone who took part in our competition to celebrate National Libraries Week.
We have had over 250 high quality book reviews entered into the prize draw. Congratulations to our winners and thank you to Miss Dunderdale.
Open Day alternatives
We are not able to hold our Open Day this year. If you know of any families who are interested in our school, please ask them to contact the office. We are happy to speak on the phone and have a prospectus we can put in the post.
Chaplaincy Team
Our team have worked with Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Cassidy to produce videos of our prayers to share with each class. Watch them on twitter.
Please register your account if you haven’t done so already. We are unable to launch the service fully until all parents/carers have signed up.
Parents’ Evening
We are currenlty investigating online video appointments for Parents’ Evening. These would take place after half-term. I will share more details with you when we have them.
Blessed Trinity Open Evening video
This is available at if you would like to take a look. Please remember the closing date for secondary school applications is 31st October.
Primary and Secondary school places
Closing dates are:
31 October 2020 for secondary places
15 January 2021 for primary places
Please visit:
Class Awards
Our winners this week are:
Class 1 – Harvey
Class 2 – Ollie
Class 3 – Niamh
Class 4 – Neveah
Class 5 – Dion
Class 6 – Alex
Well done everyone.
Music lessons
We have places available for violin and guitar lessons this term. If you are interested, please contact the office.
Weekly Awards
Readers of the Week:
Class 1 – Imaan
Class 2 – Bailey
Class 3 – Zara
Class 4 – Reuben
Class 5 – Connor
Class 6 – Jacob
Writers of the Week:
Class 1 – Holly
Class 2 – Daniel
Class 3 – George
Class 4 – Aaliyah
Class 5 – Ethan
Class 6 – Alfie B