Home > School News > Class 7 trip- Friday 15th October 2021

Dear Parents and Carers

On Friday 15th October 2021, we will be visiting the Museum of Lancashire. This visit links to our current History topic “Accrington Pals”. Whilst there, we will be taking part in several workshops including exploring a replica World War One trench.

The kitchen will provide a packed lunch only to pupils who receive free school meals. If your child does not receive free school meals, please provide a packed lunch for them on the day (disposable items in a carrier bag are best). No glass bottles, cans or fizzy drinks. 

We will leave school at 9:10am and return at approximately 2:45pm (depending on traffic).

The school is subsidising the trip, so the voluntary contribution we are asking you to pay is £10. Please be aware that if insufficient funds are raised, the trip will have to be cancelled. 

Please log on to Parentpay to make the payment and consent to your child attending the trip as soon as possible. All payments to be made by 13th October. If you require any further information please contact Miss Pitman. 

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. S Price