Home > School News > Letter | Transition EFYS to KS1

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope you are well.

As we head into the final half term of the academic year, I would like to update you on the transition activities that will take place for your child over the next few weeks.  Our aim is to ensure that their transition to KS1 is a stress-free and enjoyable experience.  

Both Mrs Wilkinson (Reception Teacher) and Mr Morton (Yr 1 Teacher) have been working closely together to plan activities and opportunities for your child to become familiar with their new classroom settings and staff.  Transition from EYFS to KS1 is a big step for our children and below are some of the activities your child will experience over the next few weeks.

  • Starting 21st May, every Friday afternoon, your child and the rest of the class will spend a short time with the Mr Morton. This allows your child to build a relationship with the staff in Yr1 and become familiar with their new classroom. Over the half term, the time your child spends in their new classroom will increase to ensure the transition is a fun experience for them.
  • Observations – Over 8 afternoon sessions, your child will work closely with our Yr1 staff.  In a group of 8 children, your child will complete short writing or numeracy tasks with their new teacher.
  • 1 to 1 reading – Mr Morton will spend time with every child and will listen to them read. This allows him to spend time with each child and assess their ability to support them when they enter Yr 1. 
  • Story time sessions – Mr Morton will spend time with the class and deliver a story time session with the children at the of the day every week.
  • Home time – Two afternoons a week, Mr Morton will dismiss your child at home time. This is a great opportunity for you to meet him.
  • Morning Taster day – On the 6th July, your child will spend a full morning session in Yr1. 

Moving into KS1 is a big step in your child’s educational journey. We hope you and your child are as excited as we are as they take this next step. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Thank you for your continuing support, yours sincerely

Mrs S Price
