Dear Parents and Carers of children in Class 1
Reading and Phonics Workshop Thursday 21st October, 3pm
Your child is now completing their first half-term at school, we hope you feel it is going well.
As reading is at the heart of our curriculum, we feel it is important that we share information with you about how we teach reading at St John’s.
In line with recommendations from the Department for Education, we teach children to read using a system called systematic synthetic phonics or ‘phonics’ for short. So that you can understand how a phonics approach to reading works and so that you can help your child at home, we would like to invite you to a workshop in school.
The workshop will take place at 3pm on Thursday 21st October in our school Hall. Your child will stay in their classroom supervised by our staff whilst you attend the meeting which will last for around 25 minutes.
We feel it will be extremely beneficial for you to attend, please complete the link:
If you have any questions at this stage, please contact the office to speak to Mrs Wilkinson or myself.
Yours sincerely
Mrs S Price