Home > School News > Welcome back to school

Dear Parents and Carers

Happy New Year!  I hope you all managed to have an enjoyable Christmas and new year.  It’s lovely to have the children back in school.  I hope those of you and your families who are unwell and continue to be affected by the pandemic are managing – if we can help in anyway please get in touch.

We continue to have Covid-19 adjustments in place in school as before Christmas.  These have not changed and include: increased ventilation; enhanced cleaning and hygiene regimes; face-coverings worn by staff in communal areas.   

We aim to have events and activities in school this term, restrictions allowing, and I will send a list of these to you shortly.

You may have noticed workmen on site.  We are having our boiler replaced and improvements made to our heating system.  The works are scheduled to be completed before Easter.

Unfortunately, we are still unable to reintroduce our Parent/Carer drop-in sessions which we have half-termly.  If you would like to speak to your child’s class teacher, or to me or Mrs Bibby, please get in touch via the office.

Best wishes, yours sincerely

Mrs S Price