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School News | Friday 10th January 2020

Happy New Year and Welcome Back

Happy New Year and welcome back to school as we begin our Spring Term.  I hope that everyone had an enjoyable and restful break.

We now look forward to our new term and all that it has to offer.  Next week, a list of diary dates will go home.  This will include the dates of each class assembly to which you are warmly invited.

Best wishes from Mrs Price and all staff at St John’s.

Sacramental Programme Meeting

Year 3 families are invited to a meeting with Father David on Tuesday 14th January at 7pm in the parish rooms.  Please attend if your child is baptised and you wish them to join the Sacramental Programme this year.

Bishop John Mass at School

We are delighted to annouce that Bishop John will join us in school to celebrate the new term and year, and our joining the Romero Trust.  

Please join us in school for the Mass on Thursday 16th January, 9.30am – all welcome.

Writers’ Awards

During the second half of the Autumn Term, the following children were chosen by staff to win our Sue Dean Writers’ Awards.  

These go to the child in each class whom staff feel have made great progress in Writing.  

Congratulations to:

C1 – Jessica Woolley
C2 – Brandon Roberts
C3 – Sophie Phillips
C4 – Lexi-Leigh Slater
C5 – Jacob Brogan
C6 – Angel Dillon-Hartley
C7 – Harley Pennington
C8 – Jasmine Whittle
C9 – Riley Clavell Bate

Headteacher Card winners

Congratulations to the following children for having the most Headteacher Cards last term.  

We really appreciate all their efforts and hard work and hope they enjoyed their McDonalds lunch!

C1 – Ava Simpson
C2 – Harrison Chapman
C3 – Luca Brown
C4 – Nico Wilson
C5 – Archie Bennett
C6 – Tyler Allen
C7 – Aakash Jegadeesan
C8 – Natasza Wozniak
C9 – Farah Ahmed-Latif

What an excellent example you set!

Cash at St John’s

Please be advised that shortly, we will be introducing a cashless system. School dinners, Breakfast and After School Club, trips etc will be paid for online.  More details to follow soon.

Leave during term-time

Please be reminded that, in line with our Attendance Policy, leave during term-time for family holidays cannot be granted.  Please contact school if you require more details or wish to discuss this.

Foodbank Fridays – CAFOD Live Simply

As mentioned before Christmas, each Friday this term we are collecting items (tinned goods; dried food; toiletries etc) for the local foodbank.  This is part of our school’s support for CAFOD’s Live Simply campaign.  Thank you in advance.

Weekly Winners

Class Winners:

C1 – The whole class!
C2 – The whole class!
C3 – The whole class!
C4 – The whole class!
C5 – The whole class!
C6 – Grace McDonagh-Kelly
C7 – Paige Macleod
C8 – Chloe Helps
C9 – The whole class!  

Writers of the Week:

C1 – Aaryaan Khan
C2 – Zayaan Ali
C3 – John Maughan
C4 – Lexi Dickson-Carter
C5 – Imogen Shaw
C6 – Well done!
C7 – Isa Akram
C8 – Alecia Halliwell
C9 – Kenzie Ismael

Best Attendance – C9

House of the Week – St David