School News | Friday 11th September 2020
First week back!
It’s been lovely to see everyone busy and hard at work this week in school. Well done to all of our children for making an excellent start to the new term.
Staff are working incredibly hard and thank you to all parents and carers for supporting our current systems. We will return to normal as soon as we can.
Reading Challenge
Who will be our first Bronze Award winner? It’s great to see that many of our children have started reading and reviewing already. Anyone completing 15 reviews will receive their Bronze Award – who will it be?
Sacramental Programme
It has been lovely to have Father David in school this week. As before lockdown, he will visit us every three weeks. He has shared initial plans for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion for our current Year 4 children (Class 5). As soon as I have more details, I will let you know.
Blessed Trinity – information for Yr 6
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, Blessed Trinity will be unable to hold their usual evening talk at school. Instead, Miss Murray (Head of Yr7) will visit school this month and bring copies of their prospectus for Yr6 to take home. She will also share details of a virtual open evening they plan to hold.
Apologies – our online system for home work will be up and running next week rather than this week. Homework will go home today in paper format as before the summer break.
Staggered timings
EYFS: 9.20am-3.20am
Yr 1 (Class2) 8.50am-2.50pm
Yr 2 (Class3) 9am-3pm
Yr 3 (Class4) 9.10am-3.10pm
Yr 4 (Class5) 9.10am-3.10pm
Yr 5 (Class6) 9am-3pm
Yr 6 (Class7&8) 8.50am-2.50pm
Primary and Secondary school places
If your child is due to start primary or secondary school in September next year (2021), you can apply now. Closing dates are:
31 October 2020 for secondary places
15 January 2021 for primary places
Please visit:
Interim Reports
Please look out for your child’s Interim Report, they are going home tonight. As we can’t have drop-ins this term, please contact the office if you would like to speak to your child’s teacher.
Covid-19 arrangements
Your child is also bringing home a letter tonight with details of what will happen if there are confirmed Covid-19 cases in school. Any questions, please get in touch.
Term dates
Please be reminded of our term dates:
Half-term: Mon 26th – Fri 30th October
End of term: Fri 18th December
Spring term: Tues 5th January
Contact Us
Tel: 01282 438120
twitter: @BurnleySJB