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School News | Friday 18th September 2020

We are reading…

Year 6 are reading ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ by Ross MacKenzie.  They’re really enjoying it.

Data collection sheets

These are going home tonight.  Please complete and return to the box on the main gate.


Last Friday you received your child’s ParentPay activation letter. Please can you activate your account as soon as possible as we are intending to be a cashless school by Half-Term.

If you require any further information or require help activating your child’s account please contact Mrs Darwin.  Many thanks for your co-operation.

Social distancing

When you are waiting outside the school gates to collect your child, please remember to keep 2m apart from other people.  

Several parents and carers have expressed their concern about adults not keeping apart from one another.  I would appreciate your support in helping us to keep each other safe.

Friday Favourites are back!!!!

I’m really pleased to announce that Friday Favourites are back.  If your child is in KS2 and would like to join us, please book in by Wednesday (phone or email).  

Please pay £2.30 via ParentPay.  Dinner will consist of a lunchbag containing fruit and a dessert, and a slice of pizza.


Homework is on our website from today.  Please click on the Homework tab and select your child’s year group/class.  

There will be two items per week – a spellings list and a multiplication task.  These can be printed and completed or just viewed online.  If you print the sheets out, you do not need to send them into school.

Staggered timings

EYFS: 9.20am-3.20am  

Yr 1 (Class2) 8.50am-2.50pm   

Yr 2 (Class3) 9am-3pm

Yr 3 (Class4) 9.10am-3.10pm

Yr 4 (Class5) 9.10am-3.10pm

Yr 5 (Class6) 9am-3pm

Yr 6 (Class7&8) 8.50am-2.50pm  

Primary and Secondary school places

If your child is due to start primary or secondary school in September next year (2021), you can apply now.  Closing dates are:

31 October 2020 for secondary places

15 January 2021 for primary places

Please visit:


House Captains

Today all our children have voted to elect Year 6 children to lead our Houses – St David and St George.  St Patrick and St Andrew will be next week and then we will announce our new leaders.

Class Awards  – congratulations all!

Class 1: Joshua Brogan
Class 2: Theo Clarke
Class 3: Monica Mitchell
Class 4: Zaine Ahmed
Class 5: Lucas Horgan
Class 6: Sophie Schofield
Class 7: Mya Thornton
Class 8: Harrison Peat

Term dates

Half-term: Mon 26th – Fri 30th October

End of term: Fri 18th December

Spring term: Tues 5th January

Contact Us

Tel: 01282 438120



Twitter: @BurnleySJB