School News | Friday 30th October 2020
Welcome back
We hope you had an enjoyable half-term. We are looking forward to the rest of the Autumn Term where we will try to continue with as many activities & events as Covid-19 restrictions allow.
Primary school places
Please note the closing date for primary places for September 2021 is 15th January 2021.
Visit: for details of how to apply.
This week we are launching ParentPay as a method of communication. This will replace our text messaging service.
We hope you find it improves home-school communication and would appreciate your feedback. If you know of any families who have not yet registered, please encourage them to do so.
Black History History Month
Last Wednesday each class enjoyed learning lots for Black History Month. Topics included the Windrush, Great Black Britons, Slavery and the Civil Rights Movement. It has prompted lots of interesting conversations. Please discuss at home.
Friday Favourites
Please remember we have Friday Favourites each Friday this term. If your child is in KS2 and would like to join in, please let the office know by Wednesday and pay via ParentPay. Lunches include pizza and popping chicken.
Afternoon at the Movies
Children are invited to come to school in non-uniform on Thursday 5th November in exchange for £1.
Each class will enjoy a movie in the afternoon. Money collected will be shared between CAFOD and our School Fund. Thank you for your support. (Please ensure everyone has a suitable coat on the day as usual).
Open Day alternatives
As we are not able to hold our Open Day this year there are a two alternatives. If you know of any families who are interested in our school, please ask them to visit our website and view our online prospectus.
Alternatively, they can contact the office and we will be happy to arrange a phone conversation to talk through any questions.
Harvest Appeal
Thank you very much for the kind donations to our Harvest Appeal this year. These have been split between the food bank and Safenet womens’ refuge who are very grateful for our support.
Class Awards
Our winners this week are:
Class 1 – Leo
Class 2 – Haider
Class 3 – Maddison
Class 4 – Aaliyah
Class 5 – Aston
Well done to everyone.
Term Dates
Please note our Autumn Term dates:
School closes at 1.30pm on Friday 18th December.
Spring Term 2021 begins on Tuesday 5th January.
Weekly Awards
Readers of the Week:
Class 1 – Andre
Class 2 – Georgia
Class 3 – Isla
Class 4 – Zac
Class 5 – Nico
Writers of the Week:
Class 1 – Olivia
Class 2 – Artus
Class 3 – Zayaan
Class 4 – Zayn
Class 5 – Lucas
We look forward to having winners from Classes 6, 7 & 8 now they have returned.