Welcome back!
It has been lovely to see everyone again this week. We hope that all children have enjoyed their first few days back at school and are beginning to settle into their new classes.
There will be a drop-in session on Monday 16thSeptember 3-4pm if you would like to call in to speak to your child’s new class teacher – no appointments necessary. If you would like to see them before then, please ring the office to make an appointment.
Diary Dates
Please see the reverse of this sheet for Autumn Term diary dates. Other dates will be added when confirmed and we will give you as much notice as possible. For parents/carers of children in Year 3, we will send you details of this year’s Sacramental Programme as soon as possible.
For parents/carers of children in Year 3, we will send you details of this year’s Sacramental Programme as soon as possible.
Welcome Letter and Curriculum Grid
Today your child will bring home a letter from their class teacher with lots of information about their new class.
On the reverse, you will find details of what your child will be learning about in each subject over the year. We hope you find them informative and useful. Please let us know.
New staff
This term we welcome back Miss Cameron who has been greatly missed and Mr Moore who is with us in a temporary capacity.
We also welcome Mr Brown to St John’s. He is a new member of staff and will be working as Sports Coach and Pupil Mentor. A warm welcome to them both.He is a new member of staff and will be working as Sports Coach and Pupil Mentor.
A warm welcome to them both.
Bank holiday
Please note the following amendment to our published holiday dates due to the change to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day.:
Early May Bank Holiday changed from Monday 4th, to Friday 8thMay.
Interim Reports
Next Friday your child will bring home an Interim Report from their new class teacher. Please look out for them.
Multi-Academy Trust
If you any have further questions about our proposed academy conversion, a meeting is being held on Tuesday 10th, 5pm in our school hall.
Mass times
Please be reminded of the new Sunday Mass schedule for our church:
Saturday – Vigil Mass 6pm
Sunday – 10.45am
Please call in to speak to your child’s class teacher on Monday 16thSeptember 3-4pm. If you have not yet met your child’s new teacher, this is an excellent opportunity to do so, please call in.
Behaviour Policy
Recently we have undertaken a review of our Behaviour Policy. If you would like to see a copy of the draft version, please call at the office.
Weekly Winners
We look forward to congratulating our weekly winners again this term. Details of the Weekly Winners from each class are recorded in the large blue books which we keep in the Entrance Hall – please do have a look as they contain wonderful comments about your children.