Home > School News > School News | Friday 14th May 2021

Dear Parents and Carers

This week we have focussed on following Jesus’ message to love one another as He loves us.  We have seen lots of examples of this around school, I hope you have at home too.  I hope you received the letter earlier in the week with details of assessment week and Parents/Carers’ Evening.

Fr David will be in school on Monday to speak to our Year 4 children currently on this year’s Sacramental Programme.  He will begin preparing them for First Holy Communion.  He is writing to parents and carers of these children separately.  

Parents and carers of the children joining us in September are attending meetings next week to begin their welcome to St John’s.  We are looking forward to meeting them.

Fun, Food and Friends

If your child is aged 5 to 16 and is entitled to free school meals, you may be able to access free activities during the Summer and Christmas holidays through Fun, Food and Friends, Burnley’s holiday activities and food programme. The links below give more information and will allow you to register for the scheme. 



Reading Challenge

Congratulations to Lukas Bruzas, David Brotherton, Hannah Smith, Jacob Brogan and Lewis Mcrandle who have achieved their bronze awards; and Imogen Shaw and Maisie Beech who have achieved their silver award. Well done all of you! 

Readers of the Week

Congratulations to: C1 Olivia; C2 Isabelle; C3 Lukas; C4 Skye; C5 Mia; C6 Charlie; C7 Lucy; C8 Wiktoria.

Writers of the Week

Well done: C1 Harvey; C2 Olivia; C3 Isabella; C4 Joshua; C5 Connor; C6 Maisie; C7 Mollie; C8 Maisie.

Weekly Class Winners

Congratulations to: C1 Charlie; C2 Amy; C3 Olivia; C4 Reuben; C5 Joshua H; C6 Jennifer; C7 Danni; C8 Raphael.

Yours sincerely
Mrs S Price