Home > School News > School News | Friday 2nd July 2021

Dear Parents and Carers

Over the last few weeks, we have been extremely proud of the children in Year 4 who have received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, in particular Lucas Woodburn, Sofia Alviz, Libbie Moore and Lexi Slater who received Holy Communion for the first time last weekend.  Thank you to all families who have helped prepare our pupils and a special thank you to Mr Mulrooney, Chair of Governors, for all his support with organising attendance.

Thank you to those of you who have returned your Parents/Carers Evening slips, teachers are looking forward to Teams appointments next week.

Last week our Local Governing Body met and approved our term dates for 2022-23. Please look out for a separate email today with this information.

Next week we are looking forward to some of our end of year events: Yr 6 Bonanza takes place on Monday; Transition Day is Tuesday; Sports Day is Thursday.

Please can I ask that children begin to stop bringing fidget toys into school.  This is in preparation for September when I would like them not to be in school.  Please contact me if you need to discuss this further.

Reading Challenge

Congratulations to: Bailey O’Brien, Amy Hawke, Haider Ally, Noah Gillespie and Mia Quimpo who have achieved their bronze award; and Daniel Wainscott and Giorgio Angelone who have achieved their silver award. Well done all of you! 

Readers of the Week 28th May

Congratulations to: C1 Abigail; C2 Ava; C3 Ebony; C4 Edie; C5 David; C6 Hannah; C7 Leland; C8 Maisie.

Writers of the Week 28th May

Well done: C1 Lucy; C2 Georgio; C3 Isla; C4 Emelia; C5 Dion; C6 Tianna; C7 Oliver C; C8 Daniel.

Weekly Class Winners 28th May

Congratulations to: C1 Andre; C2 Keegan; C3 Chiara; C4 Luca; C5 Joshua H; C6 Zach; C7 Caesar; C8 Grant.

Thank you for your continued support, have a lovely weekend.

Yours sincerely

Mrs S Price