Home > Pupil Premium Evaluation 19/20

Pupil Premium strategy statement 2019/20:

Evaluated: October 2020 

1.  Summary information
School St John the Baptist RC Primary, Burnley
Academic Year 2019/20 Total PP budget £108,600.00 Date of most recent PP Review Oct 2019
Total no. of pupils 261 No. of pupils eligible for PP 66 Date for next internal review of this strategy Oct 2020
2.  Current attainment KS2
Pupils eligible for PP (St John’s) Pupils not eligible for PP (national  average)
% achieving expected in reading, writing and maths 46% 89.5% (63%)
expected progress in reading 62% 88%
% making at least expected progress in writing 69% 88%
% making at least expected progress in maths 69% 88%
3. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP including high ability)
A. A high number of PP pupils at St John’s have additional needs (18/27 pupils on SEND register are PP), 27% of PP are SEND pupils, 2/3 or EHCP are PP 
B. Limited basic skills for some PP boys in Lower KS2 eg KS1 results combined g 82%, b 63%; R g 90%, b68%; W g 82%, b 68%; M g91%, b 74%
C. Behaviour and attitude – issues for a minority of pupils which has a detrimental effect on academic progress.
D. Persistent absenteeism – PP girls (15.4% of PP girls are PA, 0% of boys)
E. Family support required for some PP pupils.
F. Socio-economic factors surrounding some families.
4.  Outcomes
Desired outcomes and how they will be measured Success criteria
A. Additional needs of PP pupils are identified early and addressed. Additional needs are met and impact on attainment
B. Improved progress of PP boys in Lower KS2 (see above point 3.B) Identified pupils make improved progress towards their targets
C.. Behaviour and attitudes of identified pupils improves. Improved behaviour and attitudes results in better progress and attainment.
D. Persistent absenteeism in identified groups decreases. Attendance of identified group improves.
E. Improved engagement of targeted families. Better home-school relations result in increased progress.
F. Enrichment activities for PP pupils/families improves aspirations. Engagements in initiatives leads to improved outcomes for pupils & families
5. Planned expenditure
Academic year 2019/20
Desired outcome Chosen action/approach What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? How will you ensure it is implemented well? Expenditure Staffing/


When will you review implementation?
  1. Additional needs of PP pupils are identified early and addressed.
Early identification by CTs of those not making expected progress, appropriate interventions used.  

Associate SENDCo employed

EP services procured 

Engagement with outside agencies

Analysis shows that a number of PP children are not making expected progress due to barriers identified in point 3.  By identifying their needs earlier and using effective intervention, or advice, barriers may be lessened resulting in pupils making greater progress. Engaging high quality services eg Associate SENDCo

Acorn EP Services

Regular review of provision and tracking of PP pupils

High quality, recommended interventions/equipment:

IDL, Spelling First etc and training







TA x 2 days



Feb 2020
  1. Improved progress of PP boys in Lower KS2 (see above point 3.B)
Immediate identification and action planning for targeted boys.

Group mentoring sessions, SaLT sessions,

Pupil Mentor support, tailored provision (from CT, Pupil Mentor and TA)

Limited basic skills for some PP boys in Lower KS2 eg KS1 results combined g 82%, b 63%; R g 90%, b68%; W g 82%, b 68%; M g91%, b 74% As above

Intervention groups, EP referrals, SEN review





Pupil Mentor


Learning Mentor

TA x 2 days

Feb 2020
  1. Behaviour and attitudes of identified pupils improves.
Targeted use of Learning Mentors, Pupil Mentors and Family Support Worker, Nurture Group Behaviour and attitude – issues for a minority of pupils which has a detrimental effect on academic progress. Weekly Pupil Welfare Meetings

Structured plan and timetable for supported pupils with half-termly reviews.






Pupil Mentor


Family Support Worker

Nurture Leader


Weekly, ½ termly 
  1. Persistent absenteeism in identified groups decreases.
All attendance procedures reviewed including communication methods/systems with parents/carers.  

Specific intervention programme targeting PP girls (‘Sisters’). 

PAST support

Family Support Worker to support identified families

Persistent absenteeism – PP girls (15.4% of PP girls are PA, 0% of boys)

We can’t improve attainment and progress rates if they are not attending school.

See above

Weekly attendance review

½ termly communication with parents/carers

PAST support used efficiently





Attendance Officer x ½ day


Learning Mentor

Family Support  Worker x 1 day

October 2019

Weekly, ½ termly 

  1. Improved engagement of targeted families.
Family support required for some PP pupils. If pupils feel that school and home are working in partnership, rates of attainment and progress will increase. See above £2,800








Family Workshops x 6 termly 


CAF admin


Uniform etc 


Breakfast Club subsidy

Nurture provision

July 2020


  1. Enrichment activities for PP pupils/families improves aspirations.
We are choosing to support PP families who may struggle to provide opportunities which results in lower aspirations. Many of our PP families require support in this area.

Socio-economic factors surrounding some families.

Planned programme of events to include all year groups.

Events and visits raise aspirations





Transport x 10 

Trips subsidy 

As above
Total budgeted cost £108,800.00